Grievance Redressal Cell (GRC)


As per the directions of AICTE and Gazette of India, the Grievance Redressal Cell has been formed to address the grievances, complaints, malpractices and problems of students/ Staff (Teaching & Non-Teaching) of an AICTE approved institute.

This cell aims to provide students/ Staff (Teaching & Non-teaching) with a platform where they can share their academic related and other miscellaneous problems and seek the best advice. The cell ensures at the end that all the stakeholders should be satisfied and happy during the stay at GET.


  • To provide a support system for the students to address their grievances.
  • To initiate proactive measures to redress the grievances of the students.
  • To analyze the complaints and representations of aggrieved students and to take action with the appropriate authorities for redressal.
  • To get suggestions periodically from the students for improvement.


  • The grievances at departmental level are governed by the concerned mentors, class Coordinators and Department Heads then and there.
  • Unresolved grievances at the departmental level are referred to the Grievance Redressal Cell of the institution.

Grievance Redressal Cell Process

  • Any Person raising a request should register the grievance/ complaint through the grievance redressal portal link (Google form).
  • The grievance will immediately go to the concerned authority that needs to acknowledge the receipt of the grievance within 24 hrs.
  • The concerned authority needs to consult the matter with departmental Grievance members and then provide (1) Necessary solution, (2) Invalid the matter, (3) comment if the same is not under the scope and forward to grievance cell. The time to revert by concerned authority is 15 days from receipt of the complaint.
  • If the student/faculty/staff is not satisfied with the decision of the Department committee, he/she can submit an appeal to the Central Level Grievance Committee within four days from the date of the receipt of the reply from the Department Level Committee.
  • The GRC shall send its report with recommendations, if any, to the head of institution and a copy thereof to the aggrieved faculty/ staff/ student, within 15 days from the date of receipt of the complaint.
  • In case faculty/staff/student is not satisfied with the decision of the Grievance Redressal Committee, they may appeal to the higher authorities for redressal of their grievance.
    While dealing with the complaint, the committee at all levels will observe the law of natural justice and hear the complainant and concerned people.
    While passing an order on any Grievance, at any level, the relevant provisions of the Act/Regulations should be kept in mind and no such order should be passed in contradiction of the same.
  • Following are the members of Grievance Redressal Cell:

Grievance Redressal Cell

S. No. Name Designation Contact No.
1. Mr. Abhishek Parashar Principal Chairperson  +91- 7017124656
2. Mr.Shubham kumar Lecturer – Member +91 – 9528864449
3. Mrs Renu Mehra Lecturer – Member +91 – 6396577605
4. Mr. Aditya Gaurav
Student +91- 7900365523